Donations Of Salvation Brought By An Army Of Volunteers
Every day, St Merkorious Charity is abuzz with activity.
Deliveries of fresh food, pantry staples, hygiene goods, donated clothes and appliances, and other household essentials such as cleaning products arrive by the vanload or truckload. A dedicated army of volunteers sort through and store the deliveries. In the kitchen, the chef cooks away with help from her volunteer kitchenhands, busy with preparing thousands of meals that will be then distributed across Greater Sydney.
The office phone rings continuously with calls from people looking for help, existing clients, corporate sponsors and partners, and volunteers. The office staff pop in and out, one moment supervising the warehouse deliveries, another moment finalising the details of an upcoming event.
The work that is done would not be possible without the support of our very own army of volunteers. With their help, we can continue our work, giving salvation and hope to the vulnerable people who need it most in Greater Sydney.
Food Service: Salvation Beyond Food Relief
Foodbank revealed that in 2022, more than 1 in 5 Australians had experienced food insecurity in the past year, including 1.3 million children. We at St Merkorious understand how devastating and detrimental hunger can be to a person’s physical and mental health. However, we understand even deeper how hunger and poverty can be isolating for many.
That’s why we aim to tackle poverty with love, compassion, and tolerance. We not only provide food relief, but also companionship, friendship, warmth, and solidarity. And for this, our army of volunteers go above and beyond.
At our weekly food pick-up hubs in Parramatta and Woolloomooloo, volunteers give our attending clients the chance to have a friendly chat and a listening ear.
At our community meals in Fairfield and Rhodes, volunteers laugh and joke with our clients, giving them a chance to be comfortable and to relax and take a breath. They help with games and activities and contribute to extra programs like our Nutrition Classes at our Fairfield meal. At Rhodes, extra facilities means that clients have a chance to get volunteering grooming services as well.
In fact, many of our volunteers are previous clients who were able to regain stability and are now contributing back to our charity to help others who are still struggling. They provide additional hope to many of our current clients that their situations are temporary and they, too, can find security and stability again.
Volunteers do not necessary have the time; they just have the heart. – Elizabeth Andrew
Donations Are Key
We rely on our generous donors for their contributions to continue serving our vulnerable communities in Greater Sydney.
Our food donors, FoodBank, Oz Harvest, Second Bite, the Flemington Markets, and Woolworths, provide us with fresh seasonal produce and pantry staples to ensure that our clients have access to delicious and nutritious food. They provide cleaning supplies and hygiene produces such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, and deodorant to put into care hampers for our clients. Community donations also contribute these essential food, hygiene, and cleaning items, which helps us help more people in their darkest time of need.
With how inflation is continuously driving up the cost of living in Australia, these donations, in addition to the time that our dedicated army of volunteers donate, are essential in ensuring that multitudes of people stay fed, clean, and connected to their social circles and wider community.

Like our patron saint, St Merkorious, we aim to protect and provide for vulnerable people at St Merkorious Charity. Through deploying our army of volunteers to packing, preparing, and distributing our food hampers and meals, we give food relief, hygiene relief, and social connection to hundreds of vulnerable individuals and families weekly.
We want to continue supporting our community, and we can’t do it without you.
Sign up to be a volunteer, or donate goods and items to us. With your contribution, we will continue to empower our clients to confidently work towards regaining long-term security and stability.
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